Pengaruh Net Interest Margin dan Capital Adequacy Ratio Terhadap Return On Assets di PT Bank Jtrust Indonesia Tbk

  • Achmad Agus Yasin Fadli Manajemen, Universitas Pamulang
Keywords: NIM, CAR, ROA, Net Interest Margin, Return on Asset


This research aims to determine the effect of Net Interest Margin and Capital Adequacy Ratio on Return on Assets at PT. Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. The sample used in this research is the balance sheet and profit and loss report of PT. Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk 2015-2022. Linear regression analysis has been used to analyze the data in this study. The research results show that although NIM and CAR are considered key indicators in measuring a bank's financial health, the research results show that they do not have a direct influence on bank profitability as measured by ROA. A high NIM may not be enough to offset the decline in overall interest income. Meanwhile, a high CAR indicates that the bank has enough capital to cover risk, but this does not always mean higher profitability. It is therefore important to look beyond just NIM and CAR in analyzing bank profitability.


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