Modifikasi Business Model Canvas pada PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas dalam Mempertahankan Kelangsungan Bisnis dan Antisipasi Pesaing Baru Bisnis Gadai High-End
The research was conducted to determine the use of the business model canvas (modified) at PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas to maintain the continuity of the high-end pawn business and to anticipate new competitors in the high-end pawn business. Where basically a high-end pawn business is a pawn business with a market segment and customers in the high-end category, which has its own community and has good prospects for development in the pawn business which is a very simple, easy and fast process with strong personal guarantees. have a relatively high value or goods in the category of luxury. This research was conducted using a qualitative deductive method, a case study (single), with the final result showing modifications and adjustments to the components in the business model canvas used by PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas to run a pawn business with maintained business continuity and the emergence of risk management capabilities that support the performance of PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach with a case study approach (single) at PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas, and seek meaning from the data obtained from the results of a detailed and in-depth study (case study). The results of this study are expected to provide a theoretical model concept of a strategy that can be applied in running a business model, especially for a pawn business like that run by PT. Sarana Gadai Prioritas with market segments and high-end customers and as a strategic and anticipatory step in anticipating the emergence of new competitors in the same market segment and customers
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