Magisma: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis <p><img src="/jurnal/public/site/images/stie/COVER_STIE_BPD_JATENG.png" width="473" height="671"></p> <p>MAGISMA:Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis adalah Jurnal ilmiah yang dimaksudkan untuk mempublikasikan artikel yang berisi gagasan, laporan hasil penelitian, pembahasan teori dan konsep bidang Ekonomi dan Bisnis serta berbagai aspek sosial yang terkait erat dengan bidang ekonomi. Magisma: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis Terbit dua kali per tahun yaitu pada bulan Januari dan Juli. Magisma: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis pertama kali Terbit pada bulan Januari Volume 1 No. 1 tahun 2013 dengan Nomor ISSN Print 2337778X. Magisma: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis di terbitkan oleh Program Studi Magister Manajemen STIE Bank BPD Jateng</p> en-US (P3M STIE Bank BPD Jateng) (P3M STIE Bank BPD Jateng) Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Respon Saham Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi Terhadap Guncangan Makroekonomi Pada Periode Covid 19 <p>This research aims to analyze the response of commodity prices of consumer goods to changes in shocks given by inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates to find out the dynamic patterns between the independent and dependent variables. The data used in this study is in the form of monthly time series data during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely from January 2020 to December 2022. The research uses a quantitative approach with the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis method. The analysis techniques used are the unit root test, optimal lag test, stability test, cointegration test, VECM test, impulse response function test, and variance decomposition test. The research results show that commodity prices for consumer goods respond negatively and significantly to changes in inflation and interest rates. Meanwhile, due to changes in exchange rates, commodity prices for consumer goods respond positively and significantly. The dynamic patterns can be seen in the impulse response and variance decomposition tests. In the impulse test, the price response of consumer goods and commodities responds negatively to changes in inflation and interest rates. On the other hand, the exchange rate was positively responded to by commodity prices for consumer goods. In the variance decomposition test, the sector's share price is the most significant variable that influences the stock price of consumer goods and commodities, followed by the exchange rate variable</p> Lasmaria Fitri Simanjuntak, Ris Yuwono Yudo Nugroho ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:54:04 +0700 Mengungkap Keberhasilan Mempertahankan Usaha Toko Roti The Vos Bakery Di Tusam Banyumanik <p><em>This research aims to find out what factors make The Vos Bakery survive amidst such tight competition. This research uses qualitative research methods and the research design used is a case study. In determining informants, researchers used a purposive sampling method or determining informants with certain considerations. The selected informants were the owners, employees and customers of The Vos Bakery using data collection methods using interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out using triangulation techniques. The research results show the factors that make The Vos Backry bakery business survive amidst intense competition with the principles of being confident in facing competition, daring to take risks, working hard and patiently, strategic location, maintaining product quality, and affordable prices</em></p> Dina Kharisma, Nining Hidayah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Menavigasi Risiko Pembelian Online: Persepsi Konsumen Dalam Lanskap E-Commerce <p><em>E-commerce has changed the way consumers shop with convenience and access to a wide range of products. Qualitative research was conducted to understand how consumers specifically navigate risk, build trust, and deal with post-purchase psychological impacts in the e-commerce landscape. The research revealed that consumers perceive e-commerce as providing convenience and benefits in shopping, including time flexibility and diverse product choices. However, consumers are also aware of risks, such as product, delivery, data security and financial risks. Consumers exercise judgment by relying on product reviews, review ratings, and sales numbers to reduce risk or take risks. They manage risk by choosing familiar brands or stores and take active steps to deal with risks that may arise. The findings from this research provide valuable insights for e-commerce businesses with the aim of improving online transaction practices, minimizing risk uncertainty, and ultimately creating a more positive shopping experience for consumers. By understanding how consumers respond to risk and build trust, e-commerce businesses can better direct their efforts in creating a safer, more convenient and satisfying shopping environment</em></p> Andreas Tigor Oktaga, Widhy Setyowati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Pengaruh Karakteristik Individu, Beban Kerja, Dan Komitment Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dimediasi Kepuasan Kerja Pada Pt Industrial Multi Fan <p>This research is to test and analyze the influence of Individual Characteristics, Workload, and Organizational Commitment on employee performance mediated by Job Satisfaction. Empirical study at PT Industrial Multi Fan. The problem faced by PT Industrial Multi Fan is a decrease in target achievement in 3 consecutive years.</p> <p>Using descriptive quantitative research methods, as well as the SmartPLS analysis method, 4 research was carried out. The population of this research is all employees of PT Industrial Multi Fan, totaling 84 employees. The sample is the same as the population.The results of the analysis show that Individual Characteristics, Workload and Organizational Commitment have a significant effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction is able to mediate the influence of individual characteristics, workload and organizational commitment on employee performance. Based on the Adjusted R Square value, it explains that individual characteristics, workload and organizational commitment influence employee performance by 62.8%.</p> Lilik Setyabudi, Endang Rusdianti, Djoko Santoso ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 07 Feb 2024 13:31:50 +0700 Analisis Profitabiltas Bank Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Sebelum Dan Saat Pandemi Covid-19 <p>This research aims to determine differences in the profitability ratios of banks listed on the IDX before the pandemic and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sample in this study is the financial statements of banks listed on the IDX for 2018-2021. The research method used is descriptive quantitative method with purposive sampling data collection technique. The hypothesis in this study is whether there is a difference in the profitability ratios of banks listed on the IDX before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data will be analyzed using SPSS Version 25, and the test performed is the Non-Parametric Difference test with the Wilcoxon test. Based on the research results obtained, there were significant differences in the profitability ratios of banks listed on the IDX before and during the Covid-19 pandemic</p> William Yonathan Sahetapy, Yohana Kus Suparwati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Profitabilitas Bank Konvensional Di Indonesia <p><em>This study aims to empirically examine the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Loans (NPL), Net Interest Margin (NIM), inflation, and interest rates on the profitability of conventional commercial banks. The samples in this study were 23 conventional commercial banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2018 - 2021 period. Sampling used a purposive sampling method. The type of data in this study is quantitative using secondary data. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis which was processed using Eviews 10. The results of this study indicate that the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) proxy has no effect on Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loans (NPL) has a negative effect on Return On Assets (ROA), Net Interest Margin (NIM) has a positive effect on Return On Assets (ROA), inflation has no effect on Return On Assets (ROA), and interest rates have no effect on Return On Assets (ROA)</em></p> Noor Asfia Rosiana, Nugroho Heri Pramono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dimediasi Oleh Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Studi Pada Karyawan Hotel Aston Inn Pandanaran) <p><em>This research aims to explain the mediating influence of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on the relationship between leadership and work motivation on the performance of Aston Inn Semarang hotel employees. This research uses a survey method, with employees as respondents. The population in this study was all employees at Aston Inn Semarang, totaling 50 people. The data used is primary data from distributing questionnaires to employees as respondents. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling, where the sample collection technique uses all members of the population. Data analysis using SmartPLS. The results of this research state that leadership and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on OCB, leadership and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on the performance of hotel employees. OCB has a positive and significant effect on hotel employee performance. OCB is able to mediate the relationship between leadership and hotel employee performance. OCB is unable to mediate the relationship between work motivation and hotel employee performance</em></p> Fitri Lukiastuti, LD Gadi Djou, Rieke Retnosary ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Herding Behavior Sebelum Dan Sesudah Penghapusan Kode Broker Di Bursa Efek Indonesia <p><em>This research was conducted to see if there was any herding behavior in stock trading in Indonesia, especially the LQ45 index constituents, which were affected by the effect of the removal of the broker code by the Indonesian Stock Exchange which began on December 6, 2021. The period used in this study was the period before the removal of the broker code, namely June 15, 2020 to December 5, 2021 and the period after the removal of the broker code, namely December 6, 2021 to June 30, 2023. The method used in this study is the approach method by Chang et al. (2000) namely CSAD (Cross Sectional Absolute Standard Deviation) to detect indications of herding behavior. The results of this study indicate that there was no herding behavior on the LQ45 trading stock index either before or after the removal of the broker code. This means that investors act rationally whether the broker code exists or not</em></p> Aji Wikan Cahyono, Robiyanto Robiyanto, Harijono Harijono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Pengaruh PDRB riil dan Inflasi terhadap Pengangguran di Kota Serang <p><em>The economic growth of each region is something that is highly hoped for by the community. Economic growth can be seen, among other things, from the increase in Real GDP and controlled inflation in an area. Apart from the increase in real GDP and inflation, of course every region has problems that cause economic growth to slow down, including unemployment. Therefore, the aim of this research is to understand the impact of GRDP and inflation on unemployment in Serang, which is the aim of this research. The data obtained comes from time series data originating from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) database. Data for the period 2011–2022. The research results show that the real GRDP variable (X1) and the inflation variable (X2) have no effect on the poverty level (Y), while the inflation variable (T Test) has a negative effect on the poverty level. This shows that the results of the real GDP and inflation variables together contributed or contributed to changes in Y of 16.0% or 84%.</em></p> Siti Nijma Azizah, Muhamad Jamaludin, Kamila Nariyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Job Satisfaction Sebagai Mediasi Pengaruh Internal (CSR) Internal Terhadap Happiness Management Karyawan <p>The research on employees belonging to the millennial age group is an intriguing subject to delve into, as these individuals possess distinct attributes and traits. Employee satisfaction is of utmost importance to companies, and one way to ensure employee happiness is by providing internal Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In this regard, a study has been conducted to analyze the mediating role of job satisfaction on the relationship between internal CSR and happiness management, with respondents belonging to the millennial age group (17 to 40 years). The test results have revealed that internal CSR has a positive impact on happiness management, and job satisfaction also has a positive influence on the same. However, an interesting finding is that job satisfaction has a mediating role in the relationship between internal CSR and happiness management</p> Muhammad Fikri Hidayat, Rudi Suryo Kristanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700